Monday, March 19, 2012

eggs for dinner

this month's issue of food network magazine had these on the cover. super easy and wicked good. it was one of -those- days. and it was so gorgeous on the last day of winter here today, that i couldn't wait to get outside when i got home from work. remember that tiled tray i picked up at the tag sale?
i have big plans for this. after enlisting the other half to help me get the tiles off..well, not really, he saw me doing it and i think he wanted in on the stress release. worked out well, because i got to take pictures. he's not so good with the camera on my iphone. big, fat fingers.
i've cut a piece of 1/4" beadboard paneling left over from the ceiling project (i'm getting a ton of use out of scraps!) to fit in the tray. i'm torn between keeping the beadboard side up, or the flat side; we'll see.
this tray was covered in shellac, so it took a good bit of sanding to get it nice and dull and ready to accept paint. in the glorious 74 degree, last day of winter weather, i was able to get two coats on. i'm hoping to sand it and get the last coat on tomorrow so i can get on to the insert. the party's saturday. they don't call me last minute lizzy for nothin'. but i thrive on chaos and deadlines.

1 comment:

  1. I don't see the part of the instructions that tell us how you made the beautiful burlap transfer.



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