Sunday, March 18, 2012

center of attention sunday?

so yesterday i put up a linky thing and no one linked. am i doing something wrong? is there some sort of secret handshake i need to give at the door to get in on this linking stuff? ;) i'm gonna try it again today, doesn't anyone wanna share their stuff? and feel free to grab my button


  1. Hi! Thank you for the invite to your party and the kind words you left on my blog :) I've added you to my bloglovin list. I'm a newbie to blogging as well ... just give it some time and remember that "if you build it, they will come."

    {my simple messterpiece}

  2. it's not quite a party, more like an intimate gathering of strangers? i'm just in awe of your talents, thanks for sharing.

  3. Thanks for your invitation and for your compliments on our mantle! It was so nice to receive your comment, as I'm not to this whole blogging world as well. I've just linked up and become a follower. Hope you'll stop back to Sixth Street again soon!

    1. thanks for stopping by and i'll definitely be visting your blog again :)

  4. I would love to link up with you!



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